Tuesday 29 March 2011


I had a very fun night on Saturday...
Thanks to them which is make some happening that night...
The BBQ goes very well...
Our first place is Teluk Kemang...
We should change our place..
because the 'penguatkuasa' told us Teluk Kemang cannot do the BBQ...
Ermmm...it's ok...we still in our BBQ mood...
So, we change to Batu 4...so crowded okay...
Noisy because near with Pasar Malam...
So many people lepaking and make noisy...
Not suitable for BBQ and for relaxing...ouch...!!!
Still at Batu 4...we change to Pengkalan Nelayan...
Haaaa.this is the place suitable for BBQ, camping, relaxing and lepaking...
So, we start our BBQ...very excited okay...hehe..
Ermmm not forget to capturing pictures, 'borak-borak', laut and ombak...
Seriusly I'm very exiting with pantai...laut...ombak...
The sounds was very calm...tenang sangat!!!..
Nothing to say...only one word 'BEST'!!!

* Meh tgk-tgk gambar sekitar BBQ tersebut *

And I just came home at 4.15am on Sunday... :-)

P/S: Terima kasih banyak kat Aziz sebab dia yang bersusah-payah drive...aku duduk kat sebelah best jer menyandar..haha...dan dia juga tidak mengabaikan aku dan Kak Yana...harus kot sebab dia, aku dan Kak Yana rela je nak join BBQ ni...dan dia masih ada rasa tanggungjawab...itu yang aku dapat rasakan..thanks Aziz!!!


  1. cmner nak wat sticky post :)

  2. cane nak ajar akk nih??
    akk google jer 'sticky npost for blogger'...mst ada nyer cara wat sticky post tuh... ;)
