1. If your lover betrayed you, what will be your reaction?
hurmm...wait aaa...still thinking what to do...hahaha
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be ?
become as a great teacher...hopefully...
3. Whose butt would you like to kick ?
rite now,nope..mybe nextime...huhu
4. What would you do with a billion dollars ?
for my great future, my career, my family, my childs, my future husband, and charity..
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend ?
no and never...i got an experiance bout that...nope again....
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone ?
loved by someone...yes...!!!
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love ?
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do ?
leave him and pray for them...
9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor ?
of coz NABIL RL...hehehe
10. What takes you down the fastest ?
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time ?
if i'm a good person of coz i'm proud wif my self...
12. What’s your fear ?
the only one greatest,GOD
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is ?
my junior, my senat and also my fwen at UiTM Segamat... ;)
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor ?
pinjam jwpn marina - "err can it rich and married???"
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up ?
open my eyes and think about my routine for today...
16. Would you give all in a relationship ?
not at all...sket2 da la...
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick ?
the first one...
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
absolutely yes..
19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
having relationship but sometime being single can make me very happy...
20. List 5 people to tagged?
no one to tagged...huhu
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Salam guys...
I wish...I wish...I wish dat's every moment with my big happy family can always in my mind...sumpah,I love my family soooooo much...every things we shared(hapy moment), we did(some works) and we went(for holiday) together...
DEMAM??? - becoz of BBQ sbb telan air gas byk sgt n mkn aym bbq byk gak...bende2 tu kan memanaskan badan...for me yg mmg ader tonsel ni mmg alah dgn mknn yg panas badan n kena plak ngn ais n air gas....
PENAT??? - Searian g berkelah kat PD...bru elok demam tp da dive kat laut tu cam la pro sgt...berenang pun x pandai...siap main bola baling dlm air g...penat gler..lenguh-lenguh badan tau..x igt lgsg klo da berkumpul ngn cousins sume...pastu makanan pun leh tahan byk...da lapar dlm laut naik g mkn...pstu masuk laut smule then naik mkn lg....hahaha...yg plg x thn muke masing2 sun burn...mane x sun burn,dr kul 10pg dlm laut smpi 4ptg...sun block pun da xleh nak b'fungsi dgn bagus...huhu...kne pkai SPF more then 45 kot....huhu...
SAKIT PALE??? - Setelah searian kat PD, esoknye ktorg reramai g ZOO NEGARA...hahaha...best gler tgk haiwan2 yg memacam rupe...tgk adik2 sedara pun hepy2 kitorg pun hepy...nenek pun ikot...byk la gak mempelajari sesuatu haiwan yg baru...tp ya Allah!!!...sakit gler pale sbb panas sgt...penat semalam x ilang da kne jln kat dlm zoo yg sgt besar dan xtau la bape hektar or ekar or watever...sakit kaki...sakit pale..sakit segalanya...air berbotol pun x cukup...tp enjoy...
c ya!
I wish...I wish...I wish dat's every moment with my big happy family can always in my mind...sumpah,I love my family soooooo much...every things we shared(hapy moment), we did(some works) and we went(for holiday) together...
DEMAM??? - becoz of BBQ sbb telan air gas byk sgt n mkn aym bbq byk gak...bende2 tu kan memanaskan badan...for me yg mmg ader tonsel ni mmg alah dgn mknn yg panas badan n kena plak ngn ais n air gas....
PENAT??? - Searian g berkelah kat PD...bru elok demam tp da dive kat laut tu cam la pro sgt...berenang pun x pandai...siap main bola baling dlm air g...penat gler..lenguh-lenguh badan tau..x igt lgsg klo da berkumpul ngn cousins sume...pastu makanan pun leh tahan byk...da lapar dlm laut naik g mkn...pstu masuk laut smule then naik mkn lg....hahaha...yg plg x thn muke masing2 sun burn...mane x sun burn,dr kul 10pg dlm laut smpi 4ptg...sun block pun da xleh nak b'fungsi dgn bagus...huhu...kne pkai SPF more then 45 kot....huhu...
SAKIT PALE??? - Setelah searian kat PD, esoknye ktorg reramai g ZOO NEGARA...hahaha...best gler tgk haiwan2 yg memacam rupe...tgk adik2 sedara pun hepy2 kitorg pun hepy...nenek pun ikot...byk la gak mempelajari sesuatu haiwan yg baru...tp ya Allah!!!...sakit gler pale sbb panas sgt...penat semalam x ilang da kne jln kat dlm zoo yg sgt besar dan xtau la bape hektar or ekar or watever...sakit kaki...sakit pale..sakit segalanya...air berbotol pun x cukup...tp enjoy...
c ya!
Monday, 19 January 2009
Again...i'm in boh-san mood...
when ol dis can being over???
the answer only in my hand...gosh!
i just can answer 'idontthinkanything'...
da xder perasaan...just i feel good...
only me know what i feel...
when ol dis can being over???
the answer only in my hand...gosh!
i just can answer 'idontthinkanything'...
da xder perasaan...just i feel good...
only me know what i feel...
Thursday, 15 January 2009
I'm in boh-san mood rite now...
hurm...nothing much to say...
only to say "que sera sera...whatever will be will be..."
c ya!
hurm...nothing much to say...
only to say "que sera sera...whatever will be will be..."
c ya!
Sunday, 11 January 2009
kadang-kadang ape yg kite fikirkankan x semestinya betul...
kadang-kadang ape yg kite lakukan x semestinya sempurna...
kadang-kadang ape yg kite impikan x semstinya termakbul...
kadang-kadang saya terfikir tentang byk perkara yg telah saya lakukan...
rupe-rupenya ape yg berlaku tu x semestinya ape yg saya impikan, ape yg saya lakukan dan ape yg saya fikirkan kerana segalanya ketentuan Allah dlm memberi ape yg saya fikirkan, ape yg saya lakukan dan ape yg saya impikan....
Allah memberi ruang kepada hambaNya dlm membentuk kejayaan diri sendiri tetapi x semestinya ape yg kite bentuk akan menjadi kenyataan malah Allah membantu dlm membentuk kehidupan dan kejayaan hambaNya wlupun kehidupan dan kejayaan yg telah dibentuk bukan yg kite fikirkan, yg kite lakukan dan juga bukan yg kite impikan...
Hari ini, saya x menyesal dgn nasib diri yg x senasib yg baik kwn2 yg laen kerana saya percaya kehidupan dan kejayaan saya akan di bentuk sebaiknya oleh Allah berserta dgn usaha saya yg berterusan dlm membentuk kehidupan saya sendiri...
kadang-kadang ape yg kite fikirkankan x semestinya betul...
kadang-kadang ape yg kite lakukan x semestinya sempurna...
kadang-kadang ape yg kite impikan x semstinya termakbul...
kadang-kadang saya terfikir tentang byk perkara yg telah saya lakukan...
rupe-rupenya ape yg berlaku tu x semestinya ape yg saya impikan, ape yg saya lakukan dan ape yg saya fikirkan kerana segalanya ketentuan Allah dlm memberi ape yg saya fikirkan, ape yg saya lakukan dan ape yg saya impikan....
Allah memberi ruang kepada hambaNya dlm membentuk kejayaan diri sendiri tetapi x semestinya ape yg kite bentuk akan menjadi kenyataan malah Allah membantu dlm membentuk kehidupan dan kejayaan hambaNya wlupun kehidupan dan kejayaan yg telah dibentuk bukan yg kite fikirkan, yg kite lakukan dan juga bukan yg kite impikan...
Hari ini, saya x menyesal dgn nasib diri yg x senasib yg baik kwn2 yg laen kerana saya percaya kehidupan dan kejayaan saya akan di bentuk sebaiknya oleh Allah berserta dgn usaha saya yg berterusan dlm membentuk kehidupan saya sendiri...
Monday, 5 January 2009
Go back to school??? not for me okay...mimpi ngeri je klo kne g skolah smule...laen la klo time dulo2...best sgt..sweet memories ever la...so i want to wish happy go back to school to my mom and adik2 sepupu...my mom is a teacher...so da lame cuti (tp still g sek gk time cuti), arini g sek gk tp bermula tuk sesi 2009...dpt anak2 murid baru...wish u to be a very good teacher and sbr la menanti ye...only 2 years to go...hehe...and for adik-adik sekalian, jgn nakal2 kat sek...ikot ckp ckgu, wat keje sek, study smart and bersaing secara sehat...tuk Athirah (stat pra-sek) and Faiq (stat darjah 1), jgn sdey2 yeee...jgn plak mama,papa,ibu and ayah kne tggu smpi abes sek...wish u ol jd 'org'...hehehe....
c ya!
c ya!
I'M BACK...!!!
Waaahhh...! Lame btol x update new post...actually da blik from Genting a few days a go...but masih in holiday mood la...and had more work to do...one more thing bcoz i'm very mls la a few days ni...take time gak nak menaip neh...cam lg sonok klo golek2 dpn tv je..mls gler nak on laptop..g pun ternet bkn slalu in superb condition..streamyx x bgus kkdg tu...but i also hope u guys enjoy on ur holiday with ur family either ur friends...
Really...really...happy + enjoy in my trip to Genting Highlands Resort...we just stay at Genting in 3days and 2nights...soooooo sejoookkkk...gile menggigil wlupun di tengahari 'bute'...my mom said, 'menggelatok ha wlupun matahari mencacak'..hahahaha...u know what she mean with 'menggelatok'????...menggelatok is equal to menggigil or menggeletar...yg gigi bertemu gigi...sumting like dats la...hahaha...
1 day b4, me with my abg n k.ct went to JJ...we shoping 1st tuk bli barang2 nak bwk g Genting especially brg mkn la...nak jimat cost bcoz kat genting kan mhl2 brg2 nyeee...so antara yg ktorg bli of coz roti+tuna+biscuits...mmg byk gak la bile da gabung ngn mknn from makteh site...gile...ibu ckp "ni nak g camping ke g bercuti??tdo hotel kan??bkn dok dlm khemah kan???"....time pack2 brg pun still ader yg bersuara, "tilam toto pun nak bwk ke???"...mcm2 la my family ni...ske wat haruk pikuk...hehehe....
22dec08 is the day...pg2 lg da bgn wlupun ayh ckp, "kite bertolak kul 10.30am yeee"...tp smgt nyer psl,pg2 da bgn tu...kemas2 g ape yg ptut tkot da smpi sane,still ader yg x bwk...the very important things is salinan yg me print from email..it is particulars on9 booked for hotel...da byr tu by credit card...klo tgglvx der la tmpt nk tdo bcoz hotel sume da fully booked...tu pun ktorg booked 3months b4...sibaik my abg igtkn...da la me yg smpn salinan tu... :0
Tp Genting still rockss!!! mmg best...x puas la cam nak g lg next time...wlupun da maen sepuas ati tp nak g lg gak...yg pntg, ibu pun nak g lg wlupun nak monorail ulat bulu pun tkot..hahaha...next time k...tp mmg la genting still happening until now...this is my4th time me at genting sepanjang 21years ni...byk sgt perubahan...dulu2 mmg sempoi...tp skg da tukar gempaxxx!!!!
We take more and more pics and videos...tp x leh la nak upload all here...i just put some pics je k...so, enjoy to look at our happy pics at genting..
C ya!
*pics at new post k!
Waaahhh...! Lame btol x update new post...actually da blik from Genting a few days a go...but masih in holiday mood la...and had more work to do...one more thing bcoz i'm very mls la a few days ni...take time gak nak menaip neh...cam lg sonok klo golek2 dpn tv je..mls gler nak on laptop..g pun ternet bkn slalu in superb condition..streamyx x bgus kkdg tu...but i also hope u guys enjoy on ur holiday with ur family either ur friends...
Really...really...happy + enjoy in my trip to Genting Highlands Resort...we just stay at Genting in 3days and 2nights...soooooo sejoookkkk...gile menggigil wlupun di tengahari 'bute'...my mom said, 'menggelatok ha wlupun matahari mencacak'..hahahaha...u know what she mean with 'menggelatok'????...menggelatok is equal to menggigil or menggeletar...yg gigi bertemu gigi...sumting like dats la...hahaha...
1 day b4, me with my abg n k.ct went to JJ...we shoping 1st tuk bli barang2 nak bwk g Genting especially brg mkn la...nak jimat cost bcoz kat genting kan mhl2 brg2 nyeee...so antara yg ktorg bli of coz roti+tuna+biscuits...mmg byk gak la bile da gabung ngn mknn from makteh site...gile...ibu ckp "ni nak g camping ke g bercuti??tdo hotel kan??bkn dok dlm khemah kan???"....time pack2 brg pun still ader yg bersuara, "tilam toto pun nak bwk ke???"...mcm2 la my family ni...ske wat haruk pikuk...hehehe....
22dec08 is the day...pg2 lg da bgn wlupun ayh ckp, "kite bertolak kul 10.30am yeee"...tp smgt nyer psl,pg2 da bgn tu...kemas2 g ape yg ptut tkot da smpi sane,still ader yg x bwk...the very important things is salinan yg me print from email..it is particulars on9 booked for hotel...da byr tu by credit card...klo tgglvx der la tmpt nk tdo bcoz hotel sume da fully booked...tu pun ktorg booked 3months b4...sibaik my abg igtkn...da la me yg smpn salinan tu... :0
Tp Genting still rockss!!! mmg best...x puas la cam nak g lg next time...wlupun da maen sepuas ati tp nak g lg gak...yg pntg, ibu pun nak g lg wlupun nak monorail ulat bulu pun tkot..hahaha...next time k...tp mmg la genting still happening until now...this is my4th time me at genting sepanjang 21years ni...byk sgt perubahan...dulu2 mmg sempoi...tp skg da tukar gempaxxx!!!!
We take more and more pics and videos...tp x leh la nak upload all here...i just put some pics je k...so, enjoy to look at our happy pics at genting..
C ya!
*pics at new post k!
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